Brain Fog-extreme fatigueI just experienced a huge brain fog accompanied with the extreme fatigue. Will it happen again? Will it keep getting worse! It really scared me....Reactions0reactionsComments37 repliesFatigueSymptoms
How Do You Celebrate Victories In Managing PsA?For me, if I can get up on any given day without pain. It's a victory. I know that this is the day I'm going to go see the grandkids...Reactions0reactionsComments36 repliesCopingSymptoms
Dactylitis vs stress fractureAnyone have experience with dactylitis as part of their PsA? I've had single fingers or toes wake up one day sore & swollen- confirmed by my rheumatologist as tender-type dactylitis...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesFlaresSymptomsTips & Advice
App Recommendations for Symptom TrackingOne of our community members, @teaD asks: "Hey, PsA folx, Quick question: I'm... a reluctant convert to the idea that tracking my symptoms might be useful. (I've gone the route...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesTips & AdviceSymptomsAssistive Devices
Has Anyone Experience Pain And Swelling In There Calves And Ankles?I have started exercising a little more. My rheumatologist says that the exercises I am doing for my Achilles tendon problems could also involve calf stretches. He also said that...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesTips & AdviceSymptoms
Dactylitis (Sausage toes and FingersStiffened and swollen joints in hands and toes. The more swollen they becomes the more painful it is. At its worse it throbs. Big toes no longer move and the...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSymptoms
Has anyone experienced low B12 levels even while on biologics Although I’ve been on Simponi Aria for my PsA for more than a year now and overall I feel better but there are times that some symptoms come back and...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesFlaresBiologicSymptoms
Flu-like achesHi folks!! Sorry if this is frequently asked. I have had a tentative diagnosis for years but never gotten any father. Seilene joints come and go so hard to pinpoint...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesDiagnosisSymptoms
Feet and Legs swellingI have been having trouble with my Feet and Legs swelling, anyone else having this issue, newly Diagnosed still working out the symptoms....Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesNewly DiagnosedSymptoms