Diane T Moderator & Contributor
I try to get plenty of rest, but that can be very hard with the constant pain. Drink plenty of water, eat right and exercise if you can.
CommunityMemberf1ac25 Member
Diane T Moderator & Contributor
imschmarte Member
I try to get plenty of rest, but as Diane T says, that can be hard when you are in pain. I am 61 years old, have had PsA for at least 20 years. I also have fibromyalgia, Sjogrens, IBD, psoriasis, and AS. I never was a napper, but as the disease progressed, I have learned to take an hour or two nap if the fatigue is over whelming, and it does help me. I too drink tons of water, and eat when I can,(I am nauseated a lot), and just try to manage as best I can.
RebeccaB Community Admin
Thanks for commenting, imschmarte 😀 I'm glad to hear that you are are taking care of yourself - I'm a huge fan of napping. It's so important just to listen to our bodies!
jdubb187 Member
Day naps are the best. I typically dont get much sleep at night so the best time for me to sleep is between 6am & noon. Which can be difficult because i have a child in elementary school that catches the bus at 7:50am. So naps work best for me.....where ever or when ever i can get one in, i do. I know this cant work for everyone, but it helps me. I would recommend resting when you get a chance, no matter what time it is!
Best of luck & stay strong!
chipc Member
Caffeine,and lots of it,lol, just kidding, about the lots of it part, I'm a pretty big guy (240lbs) so I can tolerate a little more than the 400 mg limit of caffeine that is recommended but in the afternoons I often take a 200 mg caffeine pill, but everyone is different, follower your doctors directions of course