Hi , thank you for reaching out to the community here. Clubbing isn't something that I've personally experienced with nail psoriasis, and I'm not sure that it's a typical nail psoriasis symptom (although I know it can be associated with some other health conditions). Here's an article which looks at common nail psoriasis symptoms: https://psoriatic-arthritis.com/psa-symptoms/nails-changes-dystrophy I was able to find a case study where a man experienced clubbing in previously psoriatic nails: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/284516005_ClubbingPseudoclubbing_only_in_Fingernails_Previously_Affected_by_Psoriasis - it looks like the authors concluded that the clubbing may have been linked to the inflammation associated with the man's psoriasis/nail psoriasis,, or even an early sign of psoriatic arthritis. Is this something you're experiencing at the moment? If so, have you been able to check in with your doctor about the nail clubbing? Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator
kaushalya Member
thank you for answering my question. i have joint involvement, nail ridging and thickening, no fungus after repeated testing. also inflammatory markers in blood work and great fatigue
CathyD Moderator
, you're welcome! Whilst clubbing might not be a typical nail psoriasis symptom, thickening and ridging definitely can be. I experience both of those with my psoriatic nails. There's actually a great discussion on nail psoriasis that you might be interested in checking out/contributing to: https://psoriatic-arthritis.com/forums/did-your-psoriatic-arthritis-start-in-your-nails It sounds like you're dealing with quite a few symptoms. The fatigue is such a struggle, isn't it? Are you working with a rheumatologist at the moment? Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator