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Jaw pain

Does anyone have PSA that effects their jaw bone/joint?

I could go to dentist I know this person will say TMJ even though my jaw doesn’t click or pop it just feels stiff on one side when I open my mouth. My teeth feel fine.
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  1. Hi . It is possible to have flares in your jaw joint just like you do elsewhere in your body. The joint itself is called the temporomandibular joint or TMJ, so you will probably hear that acronym when you go to the dentist. It is important to let your dentist know that you have PsA and that this pain is probably cause by a flare, not by misalignment or night grinding or any of that. It is also important to let your rheumatologist know what is going on. Here is a wonderful article from one of our advocates about PsA jaw pain and treatments: This might help you prepare for your dentist appointment. I hope this helps and that you get some relief. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. What do you think my Rheumatologist can do for this? My pain isn’t excruciating my jaw feels lime its going to lock.

    2. Hi @grace. It would probably be best for you to have that discussion with your dentist and see what he might recommend. You could also ask him to get in touch with your rheumatologist about possible treatment options so they can coordinate your treatment. Hope this helps. Vickie W., Team Member

  2. I did have problems with it. Went to a chiropractor and got it released and he taught me exercises. That solved the issue

    1. Hi , in addition to what was shared here, I wanted to let you know that we asked your question on our Facebook page. It sparked a lot of conversations. If you're interested in checking out what was mentioned, here is the link: I hope you're able to get to the bottom of this and find some relief. Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

      1. Thank you but Im no longer a Facebook user.

      2. , I totally understand! Best, Minel (Team member)

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