Anyone had psa 20 yrs or more? if so, how do you feel these days? Are you able to get out and do things? Or work? Just curious. I hope you don’t mind me asking. Just kind...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesCoping
Biological not as effective I thinkHi all Hope you’re as well as best you can be. Always sounds a bit daft when you say that but .... I’ve been on Enbrel for years now and...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesCopingSymptomsBiologic
What to expect for the future?Hey y’all, my symptoms started about 26 yrs old. I’m now 35 and I haven’t been officially diagnosed with PsA yet, but my doc is 99 percent sure that’s what...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesMental HealthCoping
Is there anything that will help relieve the constant pain from a severe flareup in your feet?When you have a severe flareup in your feet... is there anything that will help relieve the constant pain until the flareup subsides? I have tried daily foot soaks in...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSymptomsCopingTreatmentTips & AdviceFlares
How long does it take to get any better?I was diagnosed with Psoriasis in July of last year. I didn't think much of it aside from the constant itching. I was diagnosed by a Dermatologist. He quickly made...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesNewly DiagnosedCopingSymptoms
Young Adults with PsA, new diagnosis’s and “coping”Hello everyone! My name is Rowan, I’m 24 and, even though I’ve been dealing with symptoms of PsA since I was 12, I was just diagnosed with PsA last week...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesCopingNewly DiagnosedTips & AdviceFriends & Family
Do you pop your knuckles for relief?So I have psoriatic arthritis (or so I’m told) and towards the end of the day after all of my pain medication has worn off, my hands and feet are...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesCopingTips & Advice
GratitudeHearing everyone sad stories sometimes makes me sad. So here you can talk about things that you can still do or little things you are grateful you still have. Lets...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesTips & AdviceCoping
How can I find a local in-person support group for psoriatic arthritis?Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesFriends & FamilyTips & AdviceCoping
What are your top 3 shows....What are your top 3 shows or Netflix series that you like to binge watch during a flare?...Reactions0reactionsComments24 repliesFlaresCoping