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How can I find a local in-person support group for psoriatic arthritis?

  1. HI ! The National Arthritis Foundation has a tool called Live Connect that can connect you virtually with people in your area who have arthritis. It does not offer support by type of arthritis, however. Here is a link: You can also try calling your local hospital, asking your rheumatologist or googling "PSA support" and the name of your community. I think you will find that most groups welcome members with any type of arthritis, but you still are likely to connect with others who have PsA. I hope this helps. Best wishes! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Lori,

      Thank you for all of that wonderful info. I truly appreciate the time you took to respond.

      Thank you!

      1. It was my pleasure, Eric4406. Keep in mind that if you don't find a support group, you can always start one of your own. Warmly - Lori (Team Member)

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