Hey y’all, my symptoms started about 26 yrs old. I’m now 35 and I haven’t been officially diagnosed with PsA yet, but my doc is 99 percent sure that’s what it is. I’ve been extremely depressed about my future. I have pain in my neck, knees, back, sacroiliac joint, heels of my feet, and fingers. Wrists aren’t painful unless I’m straining them. I do not have psoriasis that I know of. I have eczema and two docs have looked at it and confirmed it’s eczema.
Scared about the future
Basically, I don’t know if I’m going to be disabled, die early, etc. and I’m sure we all think of this. So I guess I just don’t know how bad it gets and am very scared to have something that started at such a young age. I cannot get diagnosed until my finger swells back up again my doc told me. She wasn’t able to get anything from my blood work or X-rays to be able to diagnose. I also have things that happen with my eyes and brain for some years now. It comes and goes but no one knows why for that either. Sorry, this is all over the place it is my first time talking about it.
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