Psoriatic arthritis can affect many aspects of life – work, relationships, sleep, and more. In your experiences, what does PsA most get in the way of? Has this answer changed over time? Please share your perspective!
I find sleeping and exercising is the hardest for me. I’ve had lower back pain for over three decades so I’m not sure if it’s arthritis but in my hands I definitely know it is and that prevents me from putting in a decent amount of time exercising. Sleeping is a hit or miss because of the lower back pain. Making it 3 or 4 hours a night uninterrupted is a joyous occasion for me.
SareBear Member
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I have bought two different ones on Amazon and I’m not sure that the dimensions were advertised. Both worked fine. If you live in a big city there may be a medical supply store that has one to try out?
Mine is about 8-10 inches tall and the sloped part is about 12 inches long. It is about 18 inches long on the flat top.
CathyD Member
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, thank you so much for taking the time to share the dimensions of yours with me. I will look around and see what I can find. The person doing my MRI did tell me what size wedge they were using but unfortunately that information went in one ear and out of the other 😅 Thanks again for sharing - very much appreciated! Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator
KimW Member
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Planning anything beyond today. I never know how much pain I'll have, how tired I may be or how bad the brain fog is that day.
Lori.Foster Community Admin
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I am sure the unpredictability of PsA can awfully frustrating for you, @Kimw. Are your friends and family pretty supportive? Best of all wishes! - Lori (Team Member)
Alexander1 Member
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we have realised that we will plan to do stuff but everyone knows that day by day and morn or afternoon things may change.
KimW Member
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My friends and family are the reason I keep going. Once I let them help me things got a lot better.
Alexander1 Member
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as I deteriorated the first thing to go was my hobbies, the was weekends and trips away. Then it was affecting time with family and meant apart from working i did nothing but work and rest. Now I cannot do work and struggle with the socialising and family time.
It’s meant I need to change the way I think and act in everything I do.
CommunityMemberd67524 Member
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I have a home in the mtns with a brook running through ,i have never walked to the end of the property before, walk down wasn't too bad, walking back was another, with my walking stick, I was bed ridden for a week ,pain water all the fun stuff, it's so hard to plan things, my VA caretaker knows Wich is my wife a nurse rn of 30+yrs ,boy did I luck out ,hang in there man
saradawns Member
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I was diagnosed with PsA 11/2020. I had no idea of what was coming. I have a high paying corporate job that I loved and excelled in for 20 years. I was able o juggle work, marriage, parenting, family and friends throughout that time. Now I only have energy to work and take care of my family. I am grateful to be able to do this but I don’t have anything left for myself… rest, hobbies, exercise. It is rough.