Medication for brain fog????I had a random idea yesterday when I was struggling like CRAZY with brain fog. I couldn’t form sentences, couldn’t come close to spelling anything correctly (which is terrible, since...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSymptomsTreatment
Do these symptoms sound right? I was diagnosed 7 years ago with the lowest positive results for an autoimmune disorder. I have psoriasis but it's so very minor - a dime size on one elbow...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesDiagnosisSymptomsFlares
Hands and FeetHi, I'm new here. I've had psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis for 11 years now. Most recently (maybe the last year or 2), I've noticed such an increase in pain in...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesSymptomsWork & EmploymentDepression
Bad day x2Today is a bad day. The pain. Yesterday was a good morning that went bad afterlunch. I did some laundry. That was all. I did not carry baskets, my daughter...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesWeatherSymptoms
Severe neck pain in neckI have run the gambit with all my symptoms. I wonder if all 10,000 doctors I've seen can ever agree on one thing. My most severely painful complaint is the...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesSymptoms
AFO Gauntlet Ankle BraceAbout a year ago my left ankle was fitted with a leather gauntlet brace to help with pain and swelling. I wasn't exactly thrilled with the way it looks or...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesAssistive DevicesSymptomsTreatment
Does anyone have symptoms of dysautonomia with their psoriatic arthritis?I am now having slight dizziness, a bone-chilling cold followed by extreme heat and sweating, and ringing ears/clicking in them. Submit my own question...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesComorbiditiesSymptoms
How do you cope with dactylitis in your feet?I'm newly diagnosed with moderate-severe PsA. History of mild psoriasis. I am a 36 yr female who’s always been an avid hiker and runner. That level of activity is on...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesTips & AdviceCopingSymptoms
Managing painHi everyone, I am new here. I have been struggling with this disease for about 3 years. I went last year and seen a Rheumatologiest and she wanted to put...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesCopingSymptomsSide Effects
PsA symptom that affect me the mostMy hands and feet. I work as a cake Decorator for a grocery store - so my symptoms are constant. I am in and out of a freezer all day...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesCopingSymptoms