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AFO Gauntlet Ankle Brace

About a year ago my left ankle was fitted with a leather gauntlet brace to help with pain and swelling.

I wasn't exactly thrilled with the way it looks or how it limited my footwear choices but made the decision to be compliant.

After wearing the brace as directed for almost a year, I have discovered that being in the brace causes low back pain. I imagine that my gait is altered by using it. I quit using it and my low back pain went away.

I do better when my podiatrist puts me in a soft cast periodically to dial down inflammation. The soft cast has more give.

Has anyone else experienced low back pain from an AFO? Have you had pain relief over time with wearing it?

  1. Hi . I have no experience with that type of brace, but I am glad you figured it out. It must be a huge relief. I hope you get responses from others in the community. Your experience might very well help someone else. Wishing you the best! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thanks, Lori!

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