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Integrative medicine for PsA

Hi 18 yr daughter has just been diagnosed with PsA. The medical treatments sound hectic. Methotrexate etc are forms of chemotherapy. I am wondering if people have had success with alternate forms of healing and if we should try these first before going onto the hard stuff.

  1. Hi! , welcome to the community 😀 I know medical treatment can always be a little scary and stressful, especially when trying to find the right ones. first and foremost I'd suggest talking with your doctors about this if possible, they may have some more insight on what will help your daughter. second, I'm linking a few articles that I think you could find useful! if you have any more questions or thoughts please don't hesitate to reach out! The PsA community is here for you and your daughter <3 - Abigail, Team Member

    1. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you taking respond
      .you make a lot of sense

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