I had my six monthly rheumatology appointment today and was speaking to my doctor about the 5:2 diet. I've been following it for just over a month and have lost 11 lbs and have noticed some reduction in general inflammation too. I asked whether she put any stock in the claims that fasting and following a largely Mediterranean diet can aid in reducing autoimmune induced inflammation. She said there was a lot of interesting research recently and coming out looking at the role of the gut and fasting for improving autoimmune conditions. Any weight loss will also improve symptoms especially on weight baring joints.
The thing that really struck me was that she told me she was on a plane home a few weeks ago and the lady next to her didn't know she was a rheumatologist. During the flight the lady was explaining how since she had gone vegan she had slowly experienced less and less symptoms of her arthritis and was now med free after being on methotrexate long term. Now, I don't personally think I could go full time vegan ever (chocolate, cornish ice cream & pasties, chicken curry need I go on?) but maybe 2 fasting vegan and alcohol-free days a week might be enough to reset the immune system? I'm going to give that a try, based on my encouraging results so far. I'm going to be trialling mixing it into my existing 5:2, cutting out most if not all red meat, increasing grain and veg alterative protein sources and generally following a Mediterranean style diet whilst making allowances for the odd bit of chocolate and wine on 'normal' 5 days.
If you're stuck with me this far I'd love to know your thoughts or experience on how diet has affected your condition??