How do you adjust to having PsA?I was diagnosed with plaque psoriasis when I was 18 and about 2 years later the PsA diagnosis came. It was monitored with methotrexate here and there, but never long...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesWork & EmploymentCopingFriends & FamilyMental HealthTips & Advice
Dealing with the holidaysI'm dreading Thanksgiving tomorrow because I've had a really bad pain week. Any suggestions on how I can bow out of dinner gracefully if I need to?...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesFriends & FamilyCopingTips & Advice
New PsA diagnosis, how do I explain to my family?Hi! I was recently diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. I’ve had psoriasis since I was 15 but last year started having random symptoms. I’m 29 now and I was finally sent...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesTips & AdviceNewly DiagnosedFriends & Family
Has anybody noticed they have a short temper?I was just diagnosed with psoriasis arthritis recently. I have noticed I lose my temper and get very angry at things which I never would have done before. I'm currently...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesFriends & FamilyMental HealthSide EffectsSymptoms
Joined todayI joined the forum today to connect with people that will have an understanding of the disease. I feel that it is a hidden illness and even though people may...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesFriends & FamilyDiagnosis
How can I make my family understand how much pain I'm in?They don't get it - how can I help them understand how it affects me and my ability to do things?...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesTips & AdviceIntimacy & RelationshipsFriends & Family
New and ReticentI'm new to this group. Reticent and reluctant...I do not want to have PsA, SpA, and osteoarthritis in my fingers and lumbar spine. I have not had meaningful experiences -...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesFriends & FamilyCoping
My daughter's storyMy daughter is 24. At 23 she got a rash on her arm. Dr. said cellulitis. Put her on antibiotic. Took the rash right away. A few days later, BOOM...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSymptomsCaregivingDiagnosisFriends & Family
Pets & HealthDid you know that February 20th is Love Your Pet Day? Did you also know that pets can positively impact your overall health? According to the CDC, Pets can decrease...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesFriends & FamilyCoping
New PersonHi everyone! My name is Brenda and I am 26 years old. I was diagnosed a year ago and trying to cope with this disease. I never wanted to read...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesFriends & FamilyCoping