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What's the best yoga mat for psoriatic arthritis?

Fall is in full swing - sigh.

So many painful joints!

I do yoga outdoors and wonder if being on a thin mat in the cold is making it worse?

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  1. Hey ! I'm sorry you're having such a rough time at the moment. I don't think I've ever done yoga outdoors but I do find that I'm more stiff/achy when the weather is colder.

    The yoga mat I use is pretty thick (1/2 inch), mainly due to my knees not being able to cope without some kind of cushioning. I haven't tried a thinner one since being diagnosed though, so not sure how the rest of my body would respond to that... The trouble with thicker ones is that it's more difficult to balance on them (or maybe I've just got bad at balancing!).

    I'd be curious to hear if anyone else has any thoughts/experiences on this! -Catherine, Community Moderator

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