Hello everyone! I finally attempted to reconcile my emotions associated with "disability" with the reality of life with psoraitic arthritis. And started to prepare myself for the journey (at least in Amercia) to apply for disability benefits.
We do have great information/articles about the disability application process so I know to prepare for a wait. We also have another discussion started here: https://psoriatic-arthritis.com/forums/applying-disability
But I wanted to come back around to it and see if anyone has experiences or tips they would be willing to share with me...? From my basic research I'm prepared to be part of the 75-80% of people denied the first time around, but I'm trying to also remain hopeful. I taught for over 15 years and have even transitioned to part-time, which soon became unmanageable as well.
Anything I should know or be doing in the 3-6 month wait for an answer? I will certainly appreciate any positive vibes or prayers you could send my way (if that's your thing)!
Take care of yourself my little PsA family. -Leanne (Team Member)