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Pain, Cramps, Swelling And Weakness In Hands Becasue Of PsA

For the past couple of years, I have had bad hand pain. My rheumatologist put me on methotrexate. It was working very well until I started a new biologic. I had to stop MTX because of infections.

It seems like each new treatment they are putting me on causes me to flare worse. Nothing is helping right now.

What do you do to calm down the pain in your hands? Are any of your treatment plans causing you to flare?

  1. Have you had to wear compression gloves for pain?

    1. A friend of mine wore compression gloves for a while and it helped her. All I can say is watch your diet as well. Some foods do cause inflammation. Does your rheumatologist have a training program to send you to? We had one that consisted of a rheumatologist, a nurse, social worker, and pharmacist. It was a week long program and worth it. I live in Ontario Canada.

      1. Hello , I never knew training programs existed. I will ask my doctor about that. This is very interesting. Compression gloves help me a lot too. Thanks for sharing some great information. How long have you had PsA? Diane (Team Member)

    2. Nothing helps🥺

      1. I started consentyx in march, no relief yet. Seeing the rhuemy tomorrow because my Ana level is super high.

      2. Hello , Let us know what the doctor says about your high levels. I remember mine was really high years ago. It was the medication I was on that put everything out of whack. It usually takes a few months for a biologic to show improvement. Keep in touch and let us know what is going on. Do you think it's the biologic that is causing this? Diane (Team Member)

    3. Ibuprofen

      1. Hello , that's great that Ibuprofen helps with the pain. It's good to find relief. How long have you had PsA? Thanks for sharing. Diane (Team Member)

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