I "retired" from my job as a Research Paralegal for a 1 attorney law firm in August 2020 after years in pain management but no real answers. I agreed to help finish up the couple of cases we had because I've been at the same firm for around 18 years and I'm the only staff. What led to my leaving was increased pain, increased stress, memory loss, and seem to increasingly feel worse every day. Now, almost 2 years later, still finishing up some work but usually 3 hrs or so a week. My boss's attitude is that I have to help him until he's done with the cases but every time I go in, I spend several days recovering.
It doesn't help my stress and pain levels that he does not show up and I spend my time keeping people calm and covering while taking care of his church and personal stuff.
I'm a paralegal, not a personal secretary. I stay so mad and he doesn't even see it or understand that I'm physically and mentally done. I applied for Social Security Disability after my official diagnosis last July as I also have congestive heart failure (7 surgeries for PVCs and loop monitors to date), hypertension, hyper insomnia, inflammatory polyarthritis, and COPD, among other things. Just got denied for SSDI and am appealing because come to find out they didn't bother to get my Rheumatology records at all and they figure I can't be disabled because I'm only 48. I have been dependent on major pain medications since 2009 after several falls on the ice (I live in Oklahoma). I have severe bulging discs in my cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine for which I have been recommended surgery but I instead get spinal injections and just suffer. I have PsA with joint and bone deterioration and major bone spurs in my feet, hands, spine, right knee, hips, left shoulder, and on and on, brain fog, memory loss, depression, anxiety. I take Orencia infusions and methotrexate for my PsA for a total of 20 pills a day. I am so angry and depressed right now over this Social Security decision and just over the whole situation. Sometimes I feel so useless and helpless. My new thing is bruising and tearing my skin just from brushing against things. Thanks for letting me rant and for reading.
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