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Skin issues

I recently have experienced a condition on my arms that resembles purpura on even a light bump. The doctors are also perplexed and think it could related to the Skyrizi. Anybody ever experience this condition. It’s like I’m an 85 year old in a 62 year old body.Mysterious bruising

  1. Hi , thank you for reaching out here. I don't have experience with Skyrizi but I'm going to tag a couple of our community members who do, in case they have any relevant experiences to share ( and , hope you don't mind me tagging you here!). I can imagine this is quite distressing to deal with, especially when your doctors are not 100% on what's going on. I'm assuming they've done blood tests to rule out other causes? Have they said what the plan is if they do determine that it's related to the Skyrizi? Hoping you can get some clarification and find a way to stop this from happening very soon. Please remember that we're all here to support you on this journey. Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator

    1. no problem tagging others. That is why I’m inquiring here where we all share similar but different problems 😀

    2. , that's a good way to put it - dealing with similar but different problems! PsA and its treatments certainly give us a lot to cope with at times. We do actually have an article where talks about her experiences with bruising and PsA: - the comments make for interesting reading too. Nobody mentions Skyrizi specifically but a couple of other treatments do come up in the discussion. Hoping you can get to the bottom of what's going on. Please keep us posted if you can! Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator

  2. , so sorry you are going through this. We have so many skin diseases out there. I have had to have 6 biopsies in my life, just to make sure I was diagnosed with the right disease. Did your dermatologist do a biopsy? We would like to hear more from you. Diane (Team Member)

    1. I have not done a biopsy yet as I am trying a couple of things first. This started about two months ago and to back up a bit. I had a couple back surgeries and currently have a foot with a very bad chronic regional pain syndrome infection that came from bumping nerves while installing fusion in my lower back so I do take small doses of oxy and I also take Lyrica for the nerve pain. I am thinking because of stool softeners being used, which are generic Walmart Doxyline Succinate that they’re causing a dehydration of my skin and causing my skin to thin out. I have since quit taking it and Dr gave me an RX for stool and It’s one pill a day that has been working well.
      I am also drinking lots of water and fluids. Non-caffeinated now and have noticed how fast that these bruises have cleared up. Since last week, all of them have cleared up and I have zero 😀
      I’m hoping I found my problem myself, but this week doing yardwork will be the true test and I will let you know the outcome of that.

    2. , thanks for sharing with us. It's good you're being your own best advocate. Things seem to be working pretty well for you. I guess we are what we eat and drink. Thanks for being a part of this community. We would like to from you soon. Thanks for some great information. Diane (Team Member)

  3. I have never experienced anything like this while on Skyrizi, or any other biologic for that matter.

    1. Correction on the stool softeners that I was taking from Walmart. The ingredient name is Docusate Sodium 100 mg ea. Max dosage a day I find out is 400 mg. I was taking 1500 mg daily to give me normal stool, which btw, doctors and nurses knew and never told me too much to take.
      Anyway, long story short, since quitting those, my urination is much more frequent, but I have noticed I still bruise, but not as easily. It may just take some time for skin dermal layers to get back to normal? Time will tell. If nothing else, I’m now not dosing more than needed and arms look better even after a day of tree trimming etc. as pic shows.After yardwork

      1. , oh yes, that's looking much better! Hopefully you've managed to get to the bottom of what was going on. How is your arm looking/feeling this week? Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator

      2. , I have been on Skyrizi for a year and 8 other biologics. I never had that side effect. Have you had a chance to talk to your doctor about this yet? Diane (Team Member)

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