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Painful flares and how to get through them.

Flares are a universal part of PsA, but information on how to recover from flares in different joints is scarce on the internet. Too much exercise exacerbates the situation, but too little make you stiff. Where is the happy medium? How have all of you toned down your joints?

  1. Breakthrough pain is a fact of life for many patients. But pain experts are now finding that these sudden, temporary flares of severe pain can affect people with noncancerous conditions as well.
    More than 80% say that BTP affects the quality of their lives, including their desire to participate in certain activities.
    More than 70% say that BTP affects their relationships with family members and their ability to perform everyday chores.

    1. .

      1. A hot bath with magnesium salt seems to help me sometimes. It might be worth a try. Supposedly magnesium chloride salt is more effective than epsom salt. Put about two cups of salt in a tub full of hot water and soak for at least twenty minutes. Often my body feels extremely relaxed after doing this.

        Another thing that sometimes works for me is to just lie down and rest/nap for 10-15 minutes.

        Something that seems to keep pain flares away for me is regular long-duration light exercise. If the pain isn't too bad, and I can get in 1-2 hours of walking, shooting a basketball, etc., my pain levels tend to drop. Doing this several days in a row really seems to help. I have not been as good about this with the colder weather lately and am feeling it the last few days.

        1. Also, being on the right medication for you should be of primary conern

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