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How do you stay motivated to fight the disease?

I enjoy watching a woman that travels the world on her motorbike, no she doesn't have Arthritis but it wouldn't hold her back if she did. Through her I see people all throughout Africa, South America and the world that don't have access to any of the medications we do and they get by somehow too. Makes me think I'm lucky to have the access that I have to these meds and I shouldn't waste that opportunity. So I drag my a** out of bed on bad days and I get at least a short walk in and find some way to think positive. Usually one of her travel episodes in which I see others less fortunate than I helps... ...and you?

  1. I love this, ! It sounds like this show really is a great source of motivation for you. I hope some of our other community members can chime in with what helps keep them motivated to fight their PsA here. In the meantime, I thought you might appreciate this article from our advocate Diane, about how someone online helped motivate her, Wishing you a gentle day. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    1. Hey Christine,

      Thanks for the article, I'm Colin, I'm going to see if I can add a hype to my name "Arthritic.Adventure-Colin".

      If you or anyone else is interested I've been trying to help people myself.

      "Arthritic Adventures" is a YouTube channel that I started 6 months ago to try and help people with Arthritis, tell the story of how it affects people (me).

      I have up to 30 years old of my own story done in 3 videos there.

      I'm trying show people those affected with the disease what can be achieved with a huge effort and a positive mind set. This won't work for everyone but after spending 1000 of hours in my Rheumatologists waiting from over the last 30 years, it could help the vast majority that I talk to there. So many people take the meds and try and go on about their lives with attempting changes in diet, mindset and exercise to augment the medications.

      See how it goes...

      If I can raise some more awareness for the disease with the public though my Adventures and ups and downs with the disease every bit counts. I know I've helped a few people from the comments I've received so even if it's just 2-3 people the PsA/Arthritis worlds a better place...

      It's here if you can't sleep one night... lol

      1. thanks so much for sharing, Colin! How great that you have been able to channel your PsA into these videos to share your experiences with others. Given your thirty plus years of living with this, you must have a wealth of knowledge and wisdom as to what has been helpful for you. I'm looking forward to checking out your channel. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

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