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Finding a good rheumatologist

Hello, I'm new to the group. I've seen a rheumatologist, but I'm not getting any answers. After endless reading, I feel I have Psoriatic Arthritis.
Any recommendations for a the Pittsburgh area?

  1. Hi . Welcome to the community! I don't have any recommendations for you, but I hope others here will. I am glad you are advocating for yourself and trying to find someone new. PsA can be difficult to diagnosis and not all rheumatologists are equally familiar with it. Have you tried asking friends or coworkers as well? You might be surprised to find you know others who have PsA as well. You can also call a round to different practices and ask the office staff whether any of the doctors specialize in PsA. I hope you find someone new quickly. Best wishes! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. The National Psoriasis Foundation has a health care provider directory. I did a search for Pittsburg and there are a few rheumatologists listed, but you can put in your zip code and find a list closer to you.
      Best of luck to you!

      1. Hi @CommunityMember94c5e2 welcome to our community. We are so glad you are here. @Amy68 gave you the best possible answer by mentioning the National Psoriasis Foundation. The NPF also has a Patient Navigation Center that you can contact as well that can further look up Rheumatologist in your area. Hope this helps. Vickie W., Team Member

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