Hello, all.
I was diagnosed with Psoriasis several months ago after finally going to see a dermatologist for the scales on my scalp, ear, and upper lip that I've had for a little over a year. I have had depression/anxiety for most of my life. Sometimes it's worse than others. But in recent years, it seems that with every dip in my depression, there is an insane amount of pain associated with it.
Pain and depression
I've not yet tracked whether the pain flares or the depression dips arrive first as they're both prominent in my daily life. I feel as if every day there is a new pain. My thumb one day, my knee the next, my neck, my lower back, my feet, so on, and so on. I don't even like to acknowledge the pain out loud anymore as it makes me feel - erm - crazy? I finally bit the bullet and went to see a doctor. I prefaced with the fact that I was probably going to sound like a hypochondriac and that I was not there looking for pain medicine, just answers.
Doctor dismisses my pain
After a long discussion of my symptoms (pain, exhaustion, depression, skin tingling, toe numbness, etc.) and my family history (rheumatoid arthritis on both sides) a plethora of blood work was done. It all came back fine. No cause for concern. When I went back for a follow-up appointment, my fingers were putting on a show. Red and swollen. White when touched. Hurting and tight as I had only been up for approximately an hour before the appointment time. The doctor told me that I needed to simply "get my mental issues under control" and there was essentially nothing wrong with me.
Morning struggle
Waking up in the morning physically hurts. The actual act of opening my eyes makes me want to cry. Stepping out of the bed feels like my body was frozen overnight and my joints haven't had time to thaw out yet. I feel so lost. My depression is eating away at me. I can barely find the motivation to get a shower, much less wash my face, or cook a decent dinner. And to boot? I'm a hairdresser who spends 10+ hours a day on my feet using my hands. Plus I'm only 28 years old, 3 years into my career. It doesn't seem like I should be battling anything like this which makes me want to dismiss it all and blame it on my brain. I guess I'm just looking for someone to tell me I'm not crazy. A coworker whose husband has been diagnosed with PsA sent me to this website, so here I am.
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