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Chronic stomach issues

Anyone have any chronic issues in relation to Psa? I've been dealing woth ongoing stomach issues since I Was 21. From intestinal inflammation, mild gastritis, trouble swallowing, esophageal issues and now acid reflux that does not go away even with the highest dose of medication and food moderation

  1. Hi . I hope you get lots of responses, but I wanted to let you know that you are not alone. Having PsA puts you at greater risk for other autoimmune diseases, including those that involve the gastrointestinal system. Here is an article about PsA and inflammatory bowel disease that might interest you: Have you seen a gastroenterologist about your issues? It must be frustrating, especially since you developed symptoms at such a young age. Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. So sorry to hear that. I also have acid issues and take meds am & pm for that. I also have very bad intestinal issues. At one point IBS. But thought that was dealt with. I either have diarrhea or constipation. My Gastrologist is my best friend LOL not really. I guess you stated it well, it's inflammation. Things going on with stomach also. I have trouble with Neuro endocrine tumors showing up places. One was in my deodium. Don't know if that's a gift from PSA or not. I wish you the best if luck PSA Warrior. Fight on.

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