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break out with blister all over when i use biologics

pain was server in back been on predison adrenal are bad what else is there

  1. Hi @CommunityMember0c8e49, that is very frustrating. I would definitely encourage you to reach out to your doctor, if you haven't done so already, to talk about options. In the meantime, I am sending you an article with various treatment options, I really hope you can get relief. Jill, team member

    1. I have reached out to four different rheumatologists and each one keeps putting me on biologics I finally have gotten an appointment to another one in anothe⁸r town which takes 4 months to see which I go into next month I talked to my primary care I talked to my endocrinologist having Graves disease / Hashimoto both active due to the radioactive iodine that they gave me was destroyed me that's when the psoriasis started it's happened since I was 17 on 62 now it's very painful very painful and it hurts so bad to breathe because of it going all around the muscles and stuff in my back I don't really know what else to do I was hoping they were doing a trial somewhere like John Hopkins or something

      1. Hi @CommunityMember0c8e49, you have been through so much, my heart goes out to you. You must be so discouraged with the trial and error of all of these doctors. I am glad you have a new appointment coming up, it is too bad the waiting periods for appointments are so long. I can hear how much pain you are in and how frustrated you are that the biologics that the doctors try to treat you with, leave you with blisters. Since you mentioned a trial, I wanted to send over this article to you that pertains some good information. I hope this is helpful. We are there for you and I really hope you can get some relief. Jill, team member

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