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Start humira in between flares?

Hi all. After about 6-8 months on methotrexate & sulfasalazine, I have continued to struggle enthesitis and fatigue (though some improvement in finger joint pain & swelling!). From August to December, I had three pretty significant flares that left me exhausted. My rheumatologist put the wheels in motion for humira (getting insurance approval, etc) and it looks like I could start as early as next week.

The only problem? I’ve been feeling better this last month - relief from flares, just a bit of soreness here & there, etc. I was only diagnosed a bit over a year ago, so don’t have a great sense yet of how long I can go between flares. I guess I’m just looking for some input from others about your experiences with humira, whether you’ve ever started a new med when you’re not in a flare (in hopes of preventing more flares!), etc.

Would love to hear people’s thoughts and experiences.

Thanks! And Happy New Year!

  1. Hi Allison,

    You brought up some very valid points. I have had psoriatic arthritis for over 30 years and have been on biologics for around 20 years. Just from my personal experience my flares always returned with a vengeance; so I have opted to always have the medication in my body. This is an excellent question for your doctor as he will know your body best. I have been on 7 biologics and I wasn't flaring when I started most of them. Good luck on this journey and we are always here if you need us.

    Enjoy the new year,

    Diane, Psoriatic Arthritis, Moderator

    1. Thanks Diane! I appreciate hearing your experiences and point of view.

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