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Are some of the drugs considered SAFE?

I'm on week 7 of methotrexate (now on 17.5 mg) and so far I'm not having any side effects that I'm aware of and it may even be helping. The last 2 nights I have had some night sweats, l don't know if that is from the drug. I also take prednisone 5 mg daily and folic acid too.

My problem is I read about very serious potential side effects to keep myself aware of what to watch out for, and then I scare myself. I wonder if one of more of the other non biologics is considered the safest of all of them. Any knowledge here would be greatly appreciated!

  1. I don't know anything about the safety of biologics, but I also just started on methotrexate. I have been on high doses of prednisone for about 30 years now and occasionally I do get night sweats from it so it may be the pred.

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      1. I too got night sweats on metho. I am on Enbral now and the side effects for me are headaches/nausea for 48 hrs after injection. I think all med options have different side effects, but not sure there is a true safety ranking of the options. I still have to be so careful to guard against infection on Enbral like metho. My Rhemo doc says each med option has side effects, but the bottom line is finding the1 that works best for each patient&that takes trial&error for most. He doesn’t think any med is safer.

        1. Hi hopenoel , When taking methotrexate I was on a weekly dose increase and nowhere near the therapeutic level when several side effects happened at once. Nausea, shortness of breath, headaches, episodes of afib. Stopped methotrexate. Started Enbrel which cleared my skin within a month (I had about 40% plaque cover), noticed more energy immediately, increased range of motion, and decreased pain. Side effects were nausea, headaches, and sinus problems. TNF-alpha's seem to work best for me; Enbrel having the fewest unwanted effects.

          Like you say, always vigilant re possible infections, especially with Enbrel being every week.Enbrel is the only med I haven't had night sweats on. Three out of seven days I'm usually symptom and side effect free. Compared to other biologics and DMARD'S that's a ratio I can live with and be thankful for. Always aware everyone responds differently to these drugs.

          Re safety of these very powerful drugs the lyrics of L. Cohen often goes through my mind, "Everybody knows that the dice are loaded; everybody rolls with their fingers crossed." Best wishes to you for decreased symptoms and healthy outcomes.

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