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Do you use walking aids?

I’m curious because I’m suffering psa and osteo in back knees and feet, I limp with my right knee adding to back pain but noone I have seen has suggested even using a stick to take pressure off the worst knee ?

  1. Do whatever helps you.
    Osteo in the knees seems to me to be part and parcel with PsA, I currently use a cane, sometimes 2. At my worst a few years ago I used a rollator because I needed to sit occasionally.

    1. I use a cane, and for long distance a walker. No one had suggested one until I was in the hospital unable to walk.
      Do what makes you feel better and eases the pain. I would suggest discussing with your doctor or physical therapist, as they can guide you to the right one. Walking aids are a great help.

      1. Hi - Following up here! Did you end up trying any kind of assistive device to help with walking/relieve pressure?

        - Jake, Team

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