Absolutely! I actually wrote a post about this a few months ago. The time it took between first seeing a rheumatologist and being properly diagnosed was about two or three years.
OMG! i have PSA with no signs of psoriasis. I think we are kind of rare. I was luckily diagnosed early. My sister has psoriasis, my Rhuematologist said it some times can split between siblings one getting the psoriasis and the other developing PSA. My question is there is information out there that says someone with psoriasis will likely develop PSA but if you present with PSA first, will you likely get psoriasis?
VickiN Member
Last Updated:
Hi Slittleton1211! As to your question, about 30% of people with psoriasis will go on to develop PsA, and 10-15% of people with PsA either won't get psoriasis, or will only develop it after the onset of PsA. Hope that helps a bit!
-Victoria, Community Moderator
brenda26 Member
Last Updated:
Yes, me! I have been diagnosed not only a year ago and I am 26. Not a single symptom of psoriasis only one time when I was diagnosed but until then not a problem in my skin just a lot of pain in my joints and my jaw.
olyndy Member
Last Updated:
My daughter has the same symptoms as I had to start with. And they have diagnosed her with spondylitis and did so knowing I have psoriasis and the arthritis for years??