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What is remission?

I've been in treatment for PsA for 10 years now, I don't remember having any time when I haven't had swelling, pain, or stiffness every single day. What is the definition of remission for PsA? I have had once or twice when my sed rate and my CRP have been in the normal range. I am (and have been) taking sulfasalazine, methotrexate, and remicade the entire course of my treatment. Am I supposed to be aiming for a day I may wake up with no swelling, pain, or stiffness??

  1. Hi Beth V! It's a really tricky question because for most people "remission" means no symptoms. For PsA, remission usually refers to slowing, halting, or sometimes (but rarely) reversing joint damage. You can read more about it here, if you are interested:
    In my experience remission doesn't always mean pain free, or stiffness-free, but it's individual for everyone! Does your Rheumatologist have any thoughts on the subject? Warm wishes,
    -Victoria, Community Moderator

    1. I have avoided commenting on this topic because i thought the title was a joke. Im serious. What is remission? I ask myself that question all the time. Is it just an unattainable dream or can remission truely be reached? Its not a subject that has a clear answer, which is sad, because thats what we're searching for...ANSWERS. How did i get this illness? Why wont it go away? Why cant i wake up and be pain free? How long will this last? How many meds do i need to be "semi-normal"? Why me?

      i guess the answers are different for different people in different seasons of life. I used to think i got sick because of some horrible thing i did, or something ive said in the past & hurt someones feelings, ya know, karma. Then, after a few months, i thought i got sick because i needed a break. Now i think i got sick because im being used for a greater purpose, whether that be motherhood, or worship ministry, or just being around for my family. (I always worked 40+ hrs/week.)

      Different reasons in different seasons. Maybe someday, my purpose will change again and yours will too. Whether that be a new endeavor, a breakthrough in treatment or THAT UNATTAINABLE REMISSION.


      1. I keep hearing that about the nightshades and I'm just not willing to cut ties with them 🙁
        Wow though - eating that much from scratch! Hats off to you! I've been making more and more of an effort not to eat anything that comes from a box or a plastic package...not so easy! But, I am learning to cook finally 😀

      2. Rebecca, I have always loved to cook, and I love feeding my tribe.

    2. I think i may have been misunderstood....i dont think your topic or pain is a joke, i feel like at this point in my treatment acheiving remission is a joke. I dont know if you have read any of my other comments, but i use humor as a coping mechanism, you have to understand im in my 30s and have a barrage if medical remission is far from where im at. I take 20+ pills a day & shots every other week. Its by no means a joke waking up with a painvlevel of 4+, trust me, i deal with it daily. And i dont have the option of dulling my pain with meds because of my other medical conditions. This life sucks and i wouldnt wish it upon anyone, however, if you cant see the humor in it, then i feel sorry for you. Because humor definately helps. And as far as religion is concerned, i just mentioned what works for me. I wasnt pushing anything on anyone, just giving an example.
      This illness is frustrating, and im all for remission if it is acheivable. But for me, i dont think it is and i hope that for anyone else in my shoes that reads my comments, its easy for them to find the humor. Laughter is the best medicine when you have no alternative.

      1. I, as well, surely meant no disrespect. I am relatively new to this board and I am not one for sarcastic humor. My friends tell me I have an extremely good sense of humor, but I guess each does what they need to do to get through. Good luck to you, we are in a similar situation, with slightly different ways of dealing with it all.

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