Hi again, ! I really wish you weren't having to deal with this horrible pain in your hands and fingers 😢 If it would be helpful, we have an article with some tips for caring for our psoriatic hands: https://psoriatic-arthritis.com/living/hand-symptoms Is it your 3rd biologic that you're trying? And if so, do you mind sharing the name of it? Really hoping that it does help you get the relief you deserve. Hang in there and please know that we're all here anytime you need support. Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator
CathyD Member
Last Updated:
You're more than welcome, . We're here anytime you need to talk. Please do keep us posted. Thinking of you! -Catherine, Community Moderator
Diane T Member
Last Updated:
, just checking in to see how you are feeling today? Diane (Team Member)