Update: I've been making a concotion of glucosamine, L-glutamine, collagen powder, boswellia serrata, fresh turmeric, and fresh ginger, blending everything together and drinking it twice a day. It's maybe not the reason, but my arthritis pain has improved over the past month or two, and is generally absent or minimal. It could also be partly due to the sulfasalazine, which I started back in October, has become more effective. And it could be dietary--I am mostly eating fish, chicken, bone broth, leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, dark berries, and a little bit of rice for carbs. The diet has also caused me to lose about twenty pounds, which is probably good for my knees which have degenerative cartilage. It really took getting used to a limited diet, but now that I am it's not too bad. So far it looks like I don't have to move up to methotrexate. Still can't figure out though how to elminate inflammation in warm weather: if it's 75+ degrees outside the knuckles for my left pinkie and middle finger swell a little.