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Straightening knees

Hi everyone
Quick question does anyone have PSA and have trouble straightening your knees ONLY while standing and walking?

I can straighten my knee while sitting just not while standing and I have no pain in my knees its weird and causes fatigued muscles.

Thanks in advance

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  1. Hi . That is kind of odd, especially since there is no pain involved. I hope you get some responses from the community. It almost sounds like fluid is rushing into your knees when you stand. What has your doctor said about it? I hope you get some answers and some relief. Best wishes! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. I really hope the stretching helps @grace. Please keep us posted if you feel comfortable doing so. Jill, Team Member

    2. Hi . I hope stretching helps. Do you think your doctor might give you a prescription for PT? They can work wonders if that is the cause of your issues. - Lori (Team Member)

  2. , thank you for your question. I hope the stretching is helping. I wanted to let you know that we shared your question with some community members on Facebook. If you're interested in reading their experiences, here is a link: Best, Minel (Team Member)

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