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Starting methotrexate and pain

Hi everyone. Tues I will be up to taking 8 methotrexate tablets. My full prescribed dose. Do any of you split the dose 4 in AM 4 in evening or do you take it all at once?? The Dr said it would be ok to do either. I was wondering if splitting the dose changes the results?? It will be 5 weeks and I don't feel better. Did anyone ever get increasing pain when starting methotrexate as well?? I am miserable. If the swelling decreases is the pain more for a bit?? Anyone having an experience with methotrexate care to share their story??

  1. Hi ! I am glad you joined the community and posted. I hope you get some responses soon. Things are a little slower here than usual because of the holiday, but I will keep an eye on this and bump it now and then if necessary. Best wishes! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thanks Lori!! Send some good vibes. Today starts my regular weekly dose of methotrexate 8 tabs. I pray it works!

      1. Hi , a few people mentioned splitting their methotrexate dose in the following forum discussion: I hope this is helpful and you can get some relief soon. I don't remember having an increase in pain when I started methotrexate, but I do remember thinking that it wasn't working for quite a long time. It did eventually kick in sometime between three and four months. Please keep us posted on how you're doing if you can! Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator

        1. I took them all at once, they didn't bother my stomach so I didn't bother dividing them up. I didn't have an increase of pain after starting Methotrexate, but it didn't make anything better right away either. It took took about 3 months for them to work, which was hard to wait. I had just gotten diagnosed and now that I knew what was wrong with me, I wanted medication that worked now! It had minimal affect until around month 3, then all of sudden the swelling all started getting better and better. For me, the swelling is 100% of the pain. As the swelling goes down, my pain drops. Previously swollen joints are sometimes a little tender, but I can live with that.

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