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Have you had any problems with your rheumatologist?

Has anyone had problems with their rheumatologists? My first one diagnosed me with PSA. After that, the ones I have seen have acted like I was taking up their time. They send me for X-rays and my PsA does not show up. I am guessing this is because I have been on biologics for a long time. My skin is clear as well. I show them pics of my psoriasis when not under control. They always say, "You do not have PSA" and send me away feeling bad. I am wondering if this is because they do not have enough training about Psoriatic Arthritis or since I look ok and can move better at that moment, they don’t believe me. I need something for my flares in between my shots.
Any idea how to find a rheumatologist that gets it?
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  1. I have a great rhumatologist and pain doctor. He knows what my issues are and how to deal with them. It is still hard to deal with flares.

    1. Hi JoyHende,
      I am so glad to hear that you have a good rheumatologist. I think it is important for them to be trained in PSA and this how hard it is to deal with flares etc. Before moving to the southwest, my Doctors knew about it and gave me Prednisone in between when I needed it. Here they are hesitant to give it to me. They have a couple of times. I understand why, however, I only use it when necessary. Is there anything you do for flares? Have a Beeeautiful kind of day!

      1. I have been very fortunate with my rheumatologist but my sister and mom, who live in a different part of the state, have the same problem. Since PsA is diagnosed off symptoms and not a blood test or other definitive test, I think some docs are just not all educated about how to diagnose and treat it. If you dont mind, where are you? Maybe someone close by will have a good recommendation for you.

        1. Happy to hear you have a good rheumy that understands PSA. Since your mom and sis struggle with PSA it seems like you have people that get what you are going through. Such a blessing.I truly hope they find the help they need. Thank you for responding. Oh, I live in Arizona. Thanks for asking.

      2. Hi - Finding a good rheumatologist can definitely be a struggle. I hope you're able to continue building a good relationship with your current doctor, though!

        In terms of flares, I wonder if you might find this article (and the comments) helpful?

        - Jake ( Team Member)

        1. That was a good article. Thank you

        2. Glad you found it helpful, . You're welcome 😀

          - Jake ( Team Member)

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