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Re-Flare? Flaring in a joint that has already taken a beating?

I may be experiencing a flare in my dominant wrist/elbow for the second time because of a sunburn. It's so disheartening when an idea like a joint (not your main affected joint) can't flare more than once is broken. Has anyone else experienced a flare from something so frivolous as a sunburn?

  1. Hi I can't answer the question about the sunburn. I do find it interesting about the statement that a joint can't flare more than once. May I ask who or where did you hear that from? Psoriatic Arthritis can cause any joint to flare at any time multiple times. Vickie W., Team Member

    1. Hi, it's more a comment on the mental aspect of all of this. There's always been a kind of preconceived idea in my head that once a joint has flared, it's done. I was wondering if anyone else had dealt with that or other preconceived ideas.

      1. I tried to go into our stories and see if anyone had written an article about it. I can't seem to find anything. If you would like to search you can go to Sorry I can't be of more help. Vickie W., Team Member

      2. your joints can and do flare many times. This flaring does the most damage to our joints while the constant, low-grade inflammation cause degeneration over longer periods.

        I hope this helps. 💖

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