At the start in 2020 my rheumatology nurse said it’s nothing to worry about as the biological only affects one part of our immune systems. They quickly changed that advice though and now remind me often that the vaccines do not offer the protection that other members of society get.
I have basically been shielding since March 2020, working from home and only going out for light exercise and fresh air when there is nobody else around. Luckily I live in a remote part of the UK so usually only a few other people from the village out and about through the day. We all give each other a wide berth and talk from 10 yards away, which is fun.
In the UK I believe that the immunosupressed have been left entirely to make their own decisions with regards to safety as they have dropped all the basic safeguards in our society like mask wearing, working from home and reduced numbers at gatherings.
We get all our shopping delivered and have not been to a store since the start. I have to say, I will probably still get everything delivered even once covid has gone, it’s a lot easier and cheaper than driving 20 miles to the nearest town for some baked beans! 😊
Personally I won’t be changing any of my habits any time soon.
Hopefully in the next 12 months the COVID-19 cases will drop into the background like flu, which we have to be careful of each year anyway, and we can get back to some kind of normal like the rest of the population are already.
Stay safe and just do what you feel happy with.
Take care 👍