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PsA and pelvic organ prolapse/pelvic floor disfunction

Just wondering if anyone suffers from pelvic floor disfunction/ pelvic organ prolapse with their PsA? I've found so many things that you wouldn't think were related but many of us also suffer from.

  1. Hello , I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with some pelvic floor disfunction/pelvic organ prolapse on top of your PsA. That sounds like such a challenging thing to be managing. While I don't have any personal experience with this, I do hope that any of our community members who might will see your post and share with your here.

    Also, while we don't have specific information of these two things being related, one of our advocates wrote about dealing withe endometriosis (which can cause pelvic pain) and PsA I don't know if pelvic disfunction is related to the sacroiliac joint, but PsA can definitely impact it,

    As you say, so many things that you think wouldn't be related to PsA often can be, so I would be curious to hear from others about this. Has your doctor talked with you about this at all? Have they mentioned the possibility of there being a link?

    I do hope that you can get some helpful feedback here! Wishing you a gentle day. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    1. , we do have an illness that keeps on giving. Have you found a doctor that is able to treat this? I hope you get some relief soon. Let us know what you find out. Diane (Team Member)

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