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Psa and SSri medicine

Hi, I hope someone can help as I am really struggling.
I have been diagnosed with psa for the last 20 years (currently 40yo) and I have just had a really nasty cold and started an SSri for anxiety. I seemed to have flared up beyond anything I have encountered before and the fatigue is making it hard to keep up with my day to day life. I have also gained weight from a stint of steroids. My question is has anyone else had a problem with ssri's as I don't want to stop them and is my situation fairly normal.

  1. Hi , thanks for reaching out. So sorry to hear that you're going through a flare at the moment 🙁 I don't have personal experience with this but I hope that others who do will stop by and share with you.

    I haven't been able to find any literature saying that there is a link between PsA flares and SSRIs (although I'm sure my search was not exhaustive!), but we are all unique and people respond/react to medications differently. If you haven't done so already we would encourage you to discuss this with your doctor. One thought I did have is that community members often report that stress/anxiety and infections can bring on a flare for them, so perhaps that may be worth asking your doctor about too. How are you feeling today? -Catherine, Community Moderator

    1. Without knowing what other medications you are on, its hard to say. You could possibly be experiencing an interaction with another medication or having a mild allergic reaction. Best to follow up with the prescriber. Hope you feel better soon!

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