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Possible Psoriasis/PsA

Hello everyone!

I will try to keep this short... In the last year or so I started getting joint pain that I as a layman thought was arthritis. The joints that are problematic are the MCP joint on both thumbs, the joint at the base of the pinky on the right hand, and the left knee.

The mentioned joints are stiff, painful and make crunchy noises when moving them and every now and then (every few months) I have a "bad" few days where the pain gets worse, they get more stiff and something that feels like they are inflamed (hurts a lot). During these days I also feel very weak.

And I kinda lived with that but a few months ago I started seeing these marks on my thighs but thought they were just pimples or acne (they probably are but read on). I wasn't really concerened about that because I am prone to acne and they didn't hurt.

But, soon after this I noticed my scalp started to get a bit reddish and itchy (no pain) and thought that might be because a sunburn since i spend a lot of the time outside (I work at home).

However at the time I am writing this, I tried protecting against the sun etc. and it gets more and more itchy and red (Can't put a photo of that since it is not very visible).

After some researching, I found about this condition and I would like your opinion on the matter, if it could be this or I am just overthinking. Thanks for reading...
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  1. Your best bet is to see a rheumatologist, they are familiar with the signs and symptoms of PsA and can do some blood work to check for inflammatory markers. PsA differs from RA usually in that it is asymmetrical, one problem on the left side and one problem on the right in the beginning. I have both PsA and RA, started with PsA though. So it’s best to go in to have it checked out. There are no “definitive” tests that will say you have PsA, but with the inflammatory markers, a rheumatologist can determine if you have active inflammation going on, if you do, it’s good to get it treated as early as possible, if not, you’ll at least have opened the door.

    1. Find a rheumatologist AND a dermatologist that specializes in psoriasis. For your scalp - a shampoo with tea tree oil. You can find body washes with tea tree oil. And a good moisturizer - you can find some that are specifically for psoriasis.

      1. Hi, my name is Andrea and I'm a newbie to PsA. I also have scalp psoriasis and I have a small patch of what appears to be a placqe.

        I have a rheumatologists and was officially diagnosed in April 2021. I am currently on Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg BID and Allopurinol

        My life changed after I went snowshoeing up a small mountain. However I do feel there were signs five years ago when the soles of my feet hit sore and difficult to walk on. My hands sometimes aches along with my joints.
        I thought this was just me

        After that hike, I ended up having a hairline fracture of a bone on the top of my left foot, and during that recovery, my right foot blew up with painful inflammation.

        To heal the fracture. I had a walking boot on my left foot for 6 weeks and after that, for 3 more weeks on the inflamed foot.

        My podiatrist ordered a blood test that showed high levels of uric acid, so they thought it was gout, and treatment for that diagnosis began.

        More blood tests showed markers that resulted in a diagnosis of PsA. I learnt that there are uric acid level in PsA patients too. I still question if it isn't something else. Denial on my part perhaps.

        I've been reading all of these articles for over a year now and I'm definetly at the beginning of this battle, as I am not experiencing the incredible pain I've read about.

        I experience soreness and my fatigue stops me short in my tracks, I have brain fog and my scalp and hairline are in a psoriasis flare which includes my temples.

        Walking was becoming problematic until I bought a pair of Hokas. They gave a little bit of my quality of life back as I could roll off the bottom of my foot comfortably when walking. 😀

        I take a lot of breaks and try to include recovery time when I'm standing or walking to much. I love my Hokas for the comfort and support.

        I have my 3rd rheumatologist appointment in July. Its a new Dr. and look forward to his opinion. Until then I will remain positive and have faith.

        Blessing to everyone.

        1. Hi . I hope the appointment goes well and that you get answers and a treatment place you can have confidence in. Keep us posted if you feel comfortable doing so. Wishing you the best! - Lori (Team Member)

      2. Thank you Lori, truly appreciate it. I'll keep you posted.

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