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Rhabdomyolysis with PsA

I have PsA and was just diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis. Has anyone else had this combo or any other autoimmune disease with rhabdo? I'm wondering if they affect each other either in treatment or symptoms.

  1. Hi , thank you for reaching out here. I'm so very sorry to read about your recent diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis. I must admit I had not heard of this before. I've just done a little reading and it sounds awful to deal with. I feel for you. Do you have any idea of what triggered it in your case? And have your doctors advised on a treatment/recovery protocol? I notice from my internet search that rhabdo has the potential to affect the kidneys, so that may (or may not) impact any PsA treatment you're having. I would definitely bring up any questions or concerns with your doctor, if you haven't done so already. I hope anyone with personal experience will stop by to share with you, and that your recovery is as smooth and swift as possible. Please keep us updated on how you're doing if you can. Thinking of you! Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator

    1. Hi . I have to admit I had to look up rhabdomyolysis as I have never heard of it. Does your doctor think this condition is being brought on by the PsA or that it is making the condition worse? I do agree that all questions need to be brought up with your doctor. I dare say you could probably teach this community something most if not all of us know nothing about. Vickie, Team Member

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