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I’ve developed a lot of neck and shoulder pain. I sleep on my back and side. Anyone have any pillow suggestions or any suggestions?

  1. Hi ! I'm sorry to read about your neck and shoulder pain. That can make sleeping comfortably very difficult.

    I sleep on my back and sides too! I've tried out a couple of pillows over the last few years. My mum got me a Tempur Comfort Pillow Cloud which is great when I'm on my back, but nowhere near supportive enough when I'm on my sides. I don't/can't use it at night for this reason, but I do use it when I'm in bed during the daytime.

    Following that, I purchased an Emma pillow which I really love. It's a memory foam one where the firmness and height of the pillow can be adjusted (although I personally didn't have to make any adjustments). I've also had luck with other memory foam pillows in the past. Of course, this is just my personal experience and we're all very different. Pillow preferences are such an individual thing (I personally can't stand soft, flat pillows).

    I did a quick search of our site and it looks like the Chiroflow pillow made it into one of our Community Recommendations articles, so that might be worth checking out: I hope others will stop by and share here too. Let us know if you find one that's suitable. Best of luck in your search! -Catherine, Community Moderator

    1. oh I don't know, but it specifies on the bag it's in, that it's for side sleeping people. They are just wonderful, let me know how you get on with it x

    2. , I will definitely keep you posted. Thanks so much! 💖 -Catherine, Community Moderator

  2. Hi @crown_laurel. I use My Pillow which works really well for me. It really seems to hold up well during the night. It was suggested to me when several of my psoriasis friends tried it. I realize we are all different and what works for one might not work for another pillows included. For me it was the best suggestion. I hope you find one that really works for you because we live with enough pain without having a flat pillow cause more. Vickie W., Team Member

    1. , thanks so much for your question. In addition to Cathy's and Vickie's suggestions, we also asked others on our Facebook page. If you're interested in seeing their responses, here is the link: I hope you find a more comfortable pillow. Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

      1. I found an adjustable bed with a memory foam mattress helped the best

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