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Have you experienced side effects from Enbrel?

How many have had side effects from Enbrel?

  1. Hopefully some community members can chime in here too, but I thought you might find this article useful too:
    Are you currently on Enbrel, or perhaps thinking of starting? Thanks for reaching out to the community,
    -Victoria, Community Moderator

    1. I've used Enbrel on & off for over 20 years. It is the treatment that gives me the least side effects. I sometimes suffer from a headache the first day after the shot but that it is easily taken care of with ibuprofen. Once in a while I feel a little less my usual self, but it so worth the pain relief I experience while on Enbrel. Everyone is different. You need to find out what works for you.

      1. I was on Enbrel for 18 months, I had extreme fatigue with enbrel and humira. I'm talking about the kind of fatigue where you fall asleep driving or just when you're sitting. Other than the fatigue I'd have a minor headache after taking the shots. I hope this helps!

        1. I just started Enbrel 2 weeks ago and have had 2 shots. With in 24 to 48 hours of taking the drug, I felt extreme, knock you off your feet fatigue. So bad that I could my doctor and he has stopped me on the Enbrel and is going to prescribe me Humira. I am concerned the Humira will be the same. It did help my pain, but I can't handle the fatigue. I am also on methotrexate, which doesn't help with fatigue. I don't know if I had a reaction to the drug or not.

        2. I felt that way on Methotrexate. I hated that medication. The worse fatigue ever all I wanted to do was sleep.

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