I've been struggling with psoriasis for many years and with back and jount pain since 2003. By age 38 I had already had a total knee replacement, and have had two spinal fusions in the last 5 years. After seeing dozens of doctors, I was finally diagnosed with PsA about 6 months ago. I am currently on Otesla, which completely cleared my skin, and Cosentyx, but I'm still dealing with a horrible PsA flare. I am desparate for some relief. Right now I'm dealing with knee, shoulder, hip, elbow, spine, foot and hand pain. Even my artificial knee is very painful right now, which had me thinking I was crazy. until I started reading tonight that tendon and ligament pain were common PsA symptoms.
I use a heating pad every night. I try hot baths, essential oils, nsaid creams(I can't take the oral nsaids), muscle rubs, muscle relaxers, and pain meds, but nothing is working. I've taken oral steroids many times for asthma, allergies, and inflammation, but I'm wondering if it would be a bad idea to ask for another round? The only time I am ever pain free seem to be while on the steroids. How often can I take prednisone? Is there another alternative? What have you had success with when treating a flare?