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Lori.Foster Community Admin
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Mouth ulcers can have all sorts of causes that might not be PsA related, including injuries, medications, GERD, and cancer. So it would be a good idea to see your primary care doctor about them as well as mentioning them to your rheumatologist. However, a few community member have reported mouth sores as a side effect of methotrexate. There are lots of medications your doctor can prescribe or recommend if the sores are severe. In my experience, gargling with warm water salt and baking soda can ease some of the pain in the meantime.
I hope this helps and that you get some relief.
- Best wishes! - Lori (Team Member)
jaymacc Member
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I’ve had nightmares with mouth full of ulcers regularly , the methotrexate the doctors say is the cause but here’s one thing I found by accident that using the teeth whitening strips with the blue fluorescent light at home has kept mine away for a few months now , so if I feel one coming on I will use them and it doesn’t amount to the normal outbreak !!
Lori.Foster Community Admin
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That's interesting,
geoff Member
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Hi, I am on Methotrexate and been taking it for around 5 years, in may 2020 I developed mouth ulcers and had them constantly until a few weeks ago, I had different medications to remove them including steroids and anti-biotics plus over the counter remedies, in the end, I was referred by my GP to the maxilla facial Clinic at my local hospital, the consultant I saw was very good and on a repeat visit I had to have the ulcers surgically removed and stitches in my lower lip, very painful, thankfully seems to have done the trick.
On a quick note, my PsA is causing me really bad fatigue at the moment which is sometimes worst than the PsA itself.
Jill.Brodie Community Admin
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Jill, Team Member
Buddhabelly Member
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I created an account specifically looking for answers to a symptom similar to this; it’s my gums. My freaking gums are the bane of my existence before every.dang.flare 🙁
Before a flare my gums get so painful that eating becomes so painful! Some days I just can’t eat solid foods. It took me a while to figure that it’s all connected. My gums-top left and bottom right burn,- and then my teeth in those areas ache to high heaven, even the few that have had root canals, which, I know, makes no sense!? I floss. I use listerine. I am meticulous about my dental care. This happens at the same time my stomach burns. No other gastrointestinal issues or symptoms. Just a horribly painful, burning stomach- and it’s my stomach- nothing lower. (Almost like an ulcer, maybe, but I don’t have acid reflux or bloody stools or anything like that.) And also my eyes burn. They don’t turn super red, but they burn as if I’ve had an epic day of just crying.
And my doctors just look at me as if I’ve sprouted antennae when I try to explain all of this.
I’m still on the waiting list to see a rheumatologist. Thanks Covid. So I am still only seeing a Family Practice P.A., who is very nice and has been working to find a diagnosis and learning toward psoriatic arthritis (or anklosying spondylitis), but in the interim, I am alone.
I don’t know anyone else going through this.
Do I sound like a crazy person!?
Lori.Foster Community Admin
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Not at all
Jenn Picard Member
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