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Medications to start with?

Hi I was wondering at what point does it seem to be a good time to start the medications offered for psoriatic arthritis? I am 40 was recently diagnosed and was prescribed methotrexate. I did some research and it seems pretty harsh to be taking for an extended length of time. I have a sensitivity to medications and if there is a rare side effect I will be the one to have that reaction. So, I am wondering if anyone has had experience with it and what else people are trying. Thank you

  1. Hi again @Breia, I am so glad you are reaching out. Being diagnosed can be very overwhelming. Methotrexate is a common medication that doctors start with. I can understand your concern with side effects. I am sending you over a forum discussion from members of our community talking about their experiences with methotrexate. I hope this is helpful. Jill, team member

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