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Makeup to cover flares?

I had to change my medication and while I was med free I developed red plaques on my face. It is under both sides of my nose and runs down to my mouth. I have to scrub it every morning to get the plaques off, which makes it redder. I keep it moisturized but that doesn't help. I have used green cover, regular cover, primers, liquid and powder makeup but as soon as I blow my nose it all comes off. Any suggestions on how to cover this area and not look like a plastic doll?

  1. , I had written out an answer and then my internet cut out and I lost it, lol. What I had said was that there's a contributor on who has written about makeup choices:
    In addition, I wrote a recent article about using tattoo concealer for body psoriasis. I used Kat Von D Lock It, but Dermablend is a popular choice too. It's probably not the natural look you're going for, but it does completely cover it and won't blow off. Might work for some events!
    Take care,
    -Victoria, Community Moderator

    1. Thank you for the suggestions. I have tried those but because it is under my nose it looks weird. I teach middle school boys and they can be really mean if you look different. I try to teach them about this behavior but it isn't "taking" so to speak.

      1. Let us know if you find anything that does the trick! My face is covered in spots at the moment, so I'm also open to new ideas. Wishing you relief,
        -Victoria, Community Moderator

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