Hi ! Thank you for sharing with us all. I haven't taken olive oil as a supplement myself, but I know that it's supposed to be very good for us. I was able to find the following article which mentions olive oil a couple of times, although it doesn't mention quantities: https://psoriatic-arthritis.com/living/diet-help Perhaps a pharmacist or even someone working at a health food store may be able to guide you on how much to take daily? I would love to hear how you get on with this. If you don't mind doing so, please keep us all updated. Hoping you notice a positive impact of the olive oil! Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator
CommunityMember9093b6 Member
Last Updated:
Thankyou. It seems people are taking anything between 10 to 30 mls daily and in Greece it's half a cup!! I will see what I can find out and share it
CathyD Member
Last Updated:
, gosh, I'm not sure I could manage half a cup a day! Although perhaps I could manage it if it was spread throughout the day with meals... Please do let us know what you find out! Wishing you the best 💕 -Catherine, Community Moderator
Eric_the_Eric Member
Last Updated:
I use olive oil when I cook, because I like the flavor it imparts to my food.