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Introduce Yourself to Others in the Community!

Sometimes the only people who understand are others who are living with psoriatic arthritis. Your story may really help someone else.
Here are some icebreaker ideas to get us started: 1 fact about your life with psoriatic arthritis1 activity you enjoy1 recent tv show or movie you watchedWhether you've been around here for quite some time or are newly joined, take moment to introduce yourself in this forum thread!
Submit your own question!

  1. Hi, I am 40 yrs old and recently diagnosed with PsA. Afact about living with this is that no one really understands and they all have the same issues, which then makes me feel like maybe I am just being a baby. An activity I enjoy is spending time with my kids 19 and 13. A recent show I watched was the movie Smile, it is a creepy horror flick my fave. I hope to learn from this site and possibly help others if I can. Thank you

    1. Thanks for the introduction @Breia. We are so glad you are here. It is so hard when others do not understand. I wish this didn't make you feel down. Living with a chronic illness, can take such a toll on our bodies and minds. I am so glad to hear you have your kids to spend time with and that you enjoy horror movies. I hope this community will help you feel that you are not alone and we understand. Jill, team member

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