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I have had been in bed for 4 days in bad spinal pain but yesterday dragged myself out to go to the local hydrotherapy pool. It's expensive but for an hour me and my daughter(normally wife comes) just floated in the water.

If you haven't tried it can't recommend it enough. Sadly like things back in bed today but just for that 50 minutes I had total weightless on my joints in the hot water. Bliss!
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  1. I am glad you at least got a break from your pain, . That sounds wonderfully relaxing. Has your doctor been any help with your back issues? I hope you get some permanent relief soon. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thanks. I am told by the pain clinic consultant that my pain is generally here to stay sadly. I am on max meds opiodes etc (before morphine which he would like to avoid as long as possible) and based on the widespread and multi level spine and disc problems doesn't feel operating is a good course of action unless it becomes essential(ie nerves are totally impinged)

      He sees a lot of people after attempts at spinal surgery and some are successful in removing pain when it is one or two discs but on the whole any benefit is a coin toss and my pain could worsen.

      The last MRI on spine has about 9 discs across the 3 sections bulging next to cord, nerve impingement at C5-6, T10-11 and L3-4 being the worst ones, osteophytes and foramon/facet impingement.

      He has tried ablation for me but that didn't work so its about lifestyle changes and not overdoing it.

      Not sure if this is a result of psorias arthritis or arthritis degeneration but given my rhumatoidolist has diagnosed me now I assumes it a mix.

      I have had both hip replaced and am now waiting on left shoulder and then the right one also needs doing and both knees have moderate arthritis so orthopedic surgeon has those on standby.

      Feeling a bit better today with the normal aches and pains rather than being totally bedridden with pain so that's good.

      1. I wish there was more your doctor could do for you, . I hope all those surgeries relieve the majority or yours pain and that your back is all you are left to contend with. Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

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