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I feel I need to hide my pain in daily life. Do you do that as well?

  1. Hi , thank you for reaching out to our community. I admire your honesty. I really wish you didn't feel this way, this must be so difficult for you. Living with an autoimmune condition is hard enough, let alone feeling the need to hide your pain. I can imagine this is exhausting for you.

    I am really glad you reached out to this community that understands. I really hope you have support from family and friends as well. I hope this helps you feel not alone. We are here for you.
    Jill, Team Member

    1. thank you for posting this Jill.
      Yes I have an academy award-winning acting that I have to put on every day that's very exhausting.
      No one at all ever believes and you get peanut gallery comments saying that you're faking It or that you're a hypochondriac or they'll say yeah I'm exhausted too.
      It's very depressing.. also leaves you full of guilt and anxiousness when you're having to lay on the couch to recuperate when you have a million things to do and no one to help you.
      Prayers for strength for All. JDay FL

    2. @CommunityMember513, ughh I can hear how exhausting and upsetting this is for you!! Sending you a very gentle hug. Please reach out when ever you need, we are here for you. Jill, Team Member

  2. Hi , I echo everything that Jill said. It must be hard to mask the pain, but it can be equally as hard to share such a vulnerable part of yourself with others.

    I wanted to let you know that I shared your question with our community members on Twitter. There were quite a few people that could really relate to your question. If you're interested, you can view their responses here:

    Please know you're not alone!

    Minel (Team Member)

    1. Thank you for your reply Jill.Brodie and minelcannucciari!

      I don't look sick. It seems like I'm attention seeking or I don't want to do my work. And... sometimes I don't want to believe it myself.

  3. sonnj, I feel the exact same way as you. When I am unable to work I feel like I am lazy, and now, when I get together with friends, I am always the one leaving first.

    1. being unproductive and feeling upset about it is a major struggle for me too. Today my therapist pointed out that even in these periods of inactivity I’m still able to be active. Resting is not wasting time. It’s required self care. I had to explain this to family and friends, and eventually they got it. But it was a struggle, especially before I got my diagnosis just a few months ago. The days when I can’t get out of bed I’m actively taking care of myself by resting, which is the best thing to do during a flare.

    2. Hi @Lura. Thank you for sharing that. I have to admit I have been struggling also. I love that you shared that even periods of inactivity you are still being active. Self care is so important when handling PsA so again thank you for sharing that. I hope a lot more people read your statement. Vickie W., Team Member

  4. Nope I can’t hide whats right in everyones face.

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